No customers? 5 ways to boost social proof

Social Proof is tricky to get right in the beginning. A bit of chicken and egg if you know what I mean. You need to Show Them - that other people have been influenced by your offering. Here are 5 tips to make your new landing page look socially active.

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Good references

A collection of noteworthy visual references to spark ideas for your landing pages. Seen any other interesting ones? Let me know!

MindPalace - Team Member Testimonials

MindPalace is an AI startup for memory recall and personalized suggestions. At first glance, the page looks established with people discussing specific use cases. But look closer, and you’ll see they’re all MindPalace team members.

Wimp Decaf Coffee - Opinion Leader Statement

Delightful launching soon page announcing Wimp Decaf Coffee Co, who look to lead the decaf coffee movement. The page does a fantastic job highlighting the excitement of the decaf mission through motivating and fun copywriting. They cleverly reused a relevant comment, from coffee influencer James Hoffman, mentioning how decaf drinkers shouldn't compromise on flavor or variety — perfectly setting up WIMP’s pitch for taste and choice.



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